February: Social Media
Saranah Holmes
Image source: Medical News Today
- Highlight: Miriam's Kitchen -- We sang the praises of our friends at Miriam's Kitchen for their exemplary social media work, including showing support for other organizations, tracking progress and thanking donors.
- Watch this video from Danielle Ricks, who spoke at our inaugural Grow Your Good conference. "The most important part of social media," she said, "is being social." Danielle Ricks is the owner of Danielle Ricks Productions.
- Bonus, imagine, exclusive, hurry. These and 26 other social media power words
- Check out these high impact tips and tools for nonprofit social media leader.
- Twenty powerful social media facts and stats.
- How to leverage the power of social media and increase your donations.
- Infographics are a great reminder that a picture is worth a thousand words. If you don't want to build your own, reach out to the experts at Wexler Consulting Group.
- March Events:
March 3 - Learn how to measure your impact with Evaluate for Change...
March 4 - Speed network with the H.O.P.E. Scholarship Initiative..
March 7 - #GIVE16 and find out what's new in social media...
March 11 - Get some hacks for leveraging your social media....
March 15- Running a nonprofit can be all about taking risks...
March 26 - Find out how to be a better collaborator...
Good Thought: "Social media is not a media. The key is to listen, engage and build relationships." - David Alston