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Holly Simmons

Holly Simmons, Content & Communications Director at Do Good, LLC, is an award-winning journalist, writer and editor.

She has written for the Associated Press, USA Today, the International Herald Tribune, the Washington Post, and the Chattanooga Times Free Press, where she gained a devoted audience and boasted one of the top social media followings at the company.

Ms. Simmons is an versatile storytelling expert who has covered issues from religious diversity to corporate travel management in Washington, DC, Chicago, New York and Brussels. A New York City native, she is a resident of Silver Spring, Maryland, where she works as a content and communications professional.

A certified proofreader, Holly holds a masters degree in journalism from Northwestern University and a bachelor’s degree in women’s studies from Skidmore College. She is paranoid about punctuation, and she will stress over commas on your behalf.


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