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Fundraising & Event Planning

Implementing an online auction

My specialty is increasing income while economizing staff energy particularly through online auctions. Many organizations don't realize they can bring in a significant amount of extra money with just a handful of items.  I will do an assessment of potential auction items that can be secured; manage the process of securing the items and experiences; liaison with the auction site to get each lot posted and manage the fulfillment process.

(contact Saranah at for more info)

Fundraising/Event Management

Manage an event/fundraiser/crowdfunding campaign from soup to nuts

Strategies for Implementing a Non-event Fundraiser

This package will provide an organization with two options for non-event fundraisers that are manageable given staff/volunteer resources, as well as detailed steps for planning and implementation of each fundraiser. Sample language for emails/outreach will be included.

Work Force Volunteer Program Development and Guide to Implementation

I will work with HR staff and/or appropriate employees to assist in developing a workplace volunteer program that focuses on company-wide participation in volunteer events, as well as options for employees to participate in individual volunteer opportunities. This package comes with a 40-minute Lunch and Learn presentation to staff about volunteering and direct connections to volunteer opportunities based on the areas of interest for the employees.