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Content & Communications Services

Reporting and Writing

Your website is often the first opportunity anyone has to learn about your work, so you want your story to be told in a manner that will catch people’s attention. Personal experiences are the best way to do this. I will conduct interviews with your staff, clients and volunteers, and will write stories that are informative and captivating.


Social Media

Good social media is essential for success. I will propose and implement an appropriate social media plan, tailored for your organization, to help you engage with clients. I will also monitor your social media accounts to ensure productive conversation.


Press Releases

As a reporter, I read thousands of press releases. Most of them are either way too boring or way too cheesy. I will create press releases and media materials for you that will catch reporters’ eyes and actually make them want to pick up the phone and call you.


Line Editing
As an editor, I believe in working closely with writers to help them improve. This is a close examination of any written content, looking at both grammar and context. I will provide comments and suggestions of how your piece can be edited for style and efficacy.


Copy Editing

A small mistake can make all the difference in the world. Accidentally type “their” when you really mean “there,” and you can come across as careless – or worse – foolish. Grammar and punctuation matter! I will examine the mechanics of your text with an eagle eye and a fine-tooth comb (Yes, I checked to make sure that was a hyphenate).