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Grow Your Good

Grow Your Good Presenter: Shala W. Graham - Branding

Saranah Holmes

Son of a Brand: Intentionally Build Your Brand
Branding happens to every organization, whether they plan it or not. When organizations intentionally build an authentic brand, they are able to navigate the sector with fewer “son of a brand” moments! We’ve all experienced those moments. Moments where your staff isn’t communicating consistently about what you do. Moments when your donor base is too small because your audience can't connect your organization to what matters to them. Moments where the grant you hoped for didn’t come through because you couldn’t demonstrate your unique value to the community.

In this session, learn how to think about and develop your brand values and personality, the difference between a tagline and a positioning statement, and how all of that sets the foundation for effective storytelling.



Editor's Note: Submitted text